Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pre-Halloween Activities

Well all, I guess it's time for that once a year occurrence where I (Ben) get to contribute something to our family blog. I seem to find reading blogs of friends a lot more entertaining than actually posting one of my own.
Well our little family has been all a buzz this year in anticipation for Halloween. The girls are excited to dress up as princess'. Now since Jaynie dresses up like a princess every other day of the year, I asked her if she wanted to dress up as something else... and she wouldn't have anything to do with it. Oh well, she'll always be one of my princess', so might as well let her dress up as one as often as she can (that is until dressing up as a princess becomes socially unacceptable...I give it 11 more years). We made it up to Cache Valley to participate in the annual tradition of walking through the pumpkin patch. That event is always such a fun memory maker (and for the first time in a long time we didn't have to wear winter clothes as we walked through).
Tonight (28 Oct) we happened to be flipping through the channels and noticed the opening credits to the Charlie Brown cartoon "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and the girls and Amanda wanted to watch it. To be honest, for some reason, I wasn't ever a real big Charlie Brown fan (it seemed to dull and boring to me), so as the girls settled in to watch the movie, I went downstairs to work out. After about 45 minutes I came upstairs and happened upon the following scene...

I guess I'm not the only one in the family that thinks Charlie Brown is kind of borish after all.

Well I guess that about wraps up my time for the year. We all excited for Saturday to go Trick-0r-Treating. We're just hoping that one of our Cinderella's don't lose one of their glass slippers as were going door to door.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Elder White and a Snake

Ben's brother Landon left this week on his mission to Villahermosa Mexico. We are so excited for him to be a missionary, and know he will be wonderful. But at the same time he will be sorely missed around here. Ben's golfing buddy, and to the girls Uncle Doofer.
Tuesday night we were at Ben's parents house when Landon was set apart by the stake president. The spirit in the room was just incredible, and Landon was given an amazing blessing. I was grateful for the opportunity to be there and take in the feeling that was there.
Wednesday morning we all had one last family breakfast together, and then took a few last pictures.
Today Ben was out pulling up the garden and found a little snake. The girls were so intrigued, yet so afraid of it. They wanted to watch in, but wouldn't get very close. Not that I blame them, I'm not a big snake lover either. But we had fun playing with it for a while.