Thursday, February 19, 2009

A week of fun and surprises!

Well lets start off with the most exciting news . . . . . Ben got the internship at HAFB! What a blessing this will be for our family.  He will now be getting paid salary which is great for an intern, and have steady hours and a boss that is actually at work instead of in Arizona all the time.  We are so grateful for this opportunity.

Sunday was Aubrey's 13th birthday, so on Saturday the whole family went out to eat to celebrate with her.  I can't believe how old my parents are getting :)  Their baby is a teenager now, what are they going to do with her.  They better hold onto their hats.  At dinner Jared and Alisha announced that they are engaged.  What a great surprise that was for all of the rest of us,  we are so excited for them.  While we were eating Jared talked Aubrey into eating a super hot pepper for $10 bucks.  It was great watching her face turn bright red and see her nose run.  Then afterwards Jared handed her the money and said "Happy Birthday, I was going to give you the money for your birthday anyway."  What a sneaky trick, which I  am sure that he learned from our dad, because I have been the tricked by the same trick :)
Then Sunday night we drove up to Wellsville to participate in the annual President's Day Breakfast.  We all went to IHOP to enjoy good food and great company.  It is always nice to go up and visit with everyone and to watch Ben wrestle with Clayton and Landon and have a good time.  And thanks Mom and Dad for watching Sadie (our highly annoying dog) so that we are able to go up there.


Heather said...

I think I was a clever, but cowardly kid, as I never went in for those trick least not where food I didn't want to eat was involved.

I like the new background, by the way.

Johnny, Julie, Boys, and Anna said...

We want more details about the internship. We do not know what HAFB is. What kind of ver annoying dog do you have and how long have you had her? John and julie

Ben and Amanda said...

Ben got an internship at Hill Air Force Base. It is as a contract specialist, which means he goes over all of the bids and contracts that come in for different things ranging from toilet paper, to high security technology that goes into the fighter planes and missiles. It is a salary paid internship, which will work 100% around his school schedule at about 27,000 a year. After he's done with school, if he stays on with the base he would move up to a GS11 standing which would pay about 65,000 a year. So we're pretty excited.
Sadie is the name of our dog. Sometimes she can be a little annoying and stinky (really bad gas sometimes), but others she can be a calm companion that just wants to petted. She is a mix between a pit bull and a springer spaniel (we think), she has a smaller head than pure pits, and she is white with liver colored spots all around. She's about a year and half old and fully house trained (unless she eats the baby soap, then she doesn't even know when it's time to go outside, it just comes out).